The Ultimate 5-Litre Keg Guide for UK Homebrewers!
Picture this: it’s a crisp evening in the heart of the UK, and you’re eagerly awaiting the moment when you can crack open a cold, refreshing beer you brewed yourself. You’ve invested time, passion, and creativity into your homebrew, but…
Essential Homebrew Equipment – Refractometer
A refractometer is one of the pieces of brewing equipment I bought on a whim but it turned out to be a great purchase. Checking the gravity of your wort while you’re brewing is a fairly important factor in producing…
Alcoholic Elderflower Champagne Recipe
Following on from the non alcoholic elderflower champagne it would have been wrong of me not to do an alcoholic version of it to enjoy on hot summer evenings we’re having. The recipe I used for this is pretty much…
5 Tips for Fast Home Brew Bottling
Once your lovely new beer is fermented you’re faced with a choice, to bottle or to barrel. I won’t go in to the merits and drawbacks with each method but one of the reasons given for not bottling by a…